Friday, June 29, 2007


Before you say anything, I know you've got humidity that we don't have (ours was 18% yesterday.) But you also have air conditioning in your home which we don't have. Most people up here don't. Yesterday the high was 99 degrees; today was supposed to be a few degrees cooler.

At about 9:15pm (you can still see the very top of the sun over the horizon) I came home from walking the dog. I grabbed my water glass off of the entertainment center where I had set it last night. I went to the fridge and started pouring water from our filter jug and the glass cracked! You know how glass does when it goes from too hot to too cold too fast!?! It was a pretty thin glass, a thicker one hadn't cracked earlier, but I was still so shocked!

That's all, I just thought I'd share another amazing adventure in Montana, the land of extremes :)

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