Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

My valentine is slowly recovering from the flu. He's actually doing pretty well, now. Last week at this time he had a temperature of 102!

I had a job interview yesterday. I haven't heard anything back yet, but I also haven't gotten a clear word from God yet on wether to take it or not, either. The prospect of starting a job with my house in its current condition put a little fear into me, though. So, I'm going to give another big push to try to make the house visitor ready.

Michael's choice for a Valentine's Day treat is Tres Leches, so I have to go home and cook. My choice? Take-out pizza :) I know, romantic, right? Now he has the job of coming up with a fun valentine activity. Fun, in this case, means cheap or free and he can't wear himself out and have a relapse of the flu. Here's hoping you have some Valentine's plans to look forward to.

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