Wednesday, February 20, 2008

From the Pastor's Pen, February

I'm going to start puting Michael's article from the church newsletter on the blog. Here goes:

"Hi there everyone! I hope that you took the opportunity to love and honor your spouse this month . . . and I'm not talking about Valentine's Day! Sure, Valentine's Day is the time when we buy flowers and chocolates and do special things for that special someone, and it is a good thing to celebrate. But God desires that we render love and honor to our spouse everyday, not just once a year. Ehpesians 5:33 says, "let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." God wants this to characterize our lives, that we consistently cherish our spouses and thereby stand out form the rest of the world. So, I hope you enjoyed Valentine's Day and did something special for your spouse, and then remembered to love and honor them the next day as well.
Pastor Michael."

Also, an update. I accepted a part-time position at the pharmacy here in Columbus. Next week we'll figure out a training schedule.

Thank You, Lord, for your continuous provision for us in the material as well as the spiritual things.

1 comment:

Dennis, Allison, Anjela and B.J. said...

hey so glad to hear yall are doing well! Congrats on getting the job Christina! We are well, hoping to be in Kenya by the end of March. We are headed to N.C. in about two weeks.