Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Lost Wallet

So, I lost my wallet 5 days before we were supposed to fly to Texas for Christmas. After searching our vehicles, our house, my workplace, and having my boss check his house after attending a Christmas party there, I got to work replacing things - first of all my driver's license. I was allowed on the planes with a paper temporary copy o fmy driver's license and now have new cards coming from the bank and credit card companies. I also have a new wallet. The searching of my house for my wallet included looking in every cabinet, drawer and even the fridge and freezers because, you never know. When I walked into work this past Monday my dirty, pink wallet was sitting on the counter! My boss had searched his house thoroughly because his son thinks it is a game to take things from his Mom's purse and for her to chase him down for them. At some point during the Christmas party he apparently took my wallet (and hand sanitizer), poked a hole in the top of one of his Christmas presents and hid them in there! They waited to open this particular present until this past weekend so the "giver" could watch him open it. . . and my wallet and my hand sanitizer (hee,hee). We got a lot of laughs and there was no harm done. My mother-in-law is just hoping that he doesn't grow up to be a career criminal :)

1 comment:

Lisa King said...

That is really funny!!!