Saturday, May 2, 2009

Adoption Workshop

or what I like to call adoption orientation. It was last weekend and it was great! The Lord really confirmed for us that this is the direction He is leading. They were very upfront about worst case scenerios (the girl changing her mind, how long it might take, etc.) All of the social workers are so loving and committed to the children, birthmothers and adoptive couples. We have a mountain of paperwork to do - we are hoping to have it done by July. Then we will have our homestudy and hopefully be in the adoptive parent pool by August. They told us the average wait is over 1 year but it could be "2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years." You could tell that they don't want us to get our hopes up about this being a quick process. One the other hand, they placed 20 babies last year and currently only have 12 couples in the adoptive parent pool, so we'll see! Thanks so much for all your prayers.

And as a little side note - I passed my pharmacy technician exam on Wednesday! Yeah! That's one thing off my plate (and a little bit more money in the bank :))

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