Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The time change is killing me!

Here's what I think the deal is. I flew to the east coast on the Saturday of the time change - early morning flight and a time difference. Then I spent a week there on vacation - not a regular schedule and the time difference plus the days are longer down south. Now I'm back in Montana and recovering from the time difference and the early morning flight - but I wasn't prepared for the time change. Down south on vacation the sun was up and shining by 7 (I know this because the nieces were up by then) and it did seem to be getting dark earlier, but that's to be expected. Here at home, the sun is barely cracking the horizon by 7 and it is pitch-black dark by the time I get off work at 5:30! And the days are just going to get shorter and shorter for another 5 weeks or so. I hope I get used to it soon!

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