Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bobcat, VBS and coming posts

Here's a quick one for those regular blog readers.

VBS was great. I had a lot of fun with the little kids and 2 or more kids from other classes came to know the Lord!

Sunday night we had some friends over to watch a soccer game and Michael called me downstairs to look at a bobcat that was looking in our window!! Michael went outside and whistled at it and it turned around and looked at Michael so he could take a couple of pictures. It was cool! I'll try to get him to post the pictures.

Coming posts that I've been thinking about but need a little time to think about in order to write: "Yada Yada" and being more green. Hope you're looking forward to them.

Well, we're off to Texas at 6am tomorrow to see Michael's family, especially his grandparents who aren't doing so well. Pray for safe travel and that we won't have plane troubles so we can make it back for church on Sunday.

Love you all,

1 comment:

charlestonyaya said...

Woa - long, long vacation!! Where are you!?!?!? love, Kathy