Monday, November 12, 2007


My friend Joy had her status on facebook set as "Joy is so blessed to be living in the freedom of grace." Since then I've been thinking about freedom. I shared with her that:

"in Bible study we have been working through the first chapter of Ephesians. We talked about redemption (v7). I explained that this imagery has to do with Christ purchasing us for the purpose of setting us free. We are now free to reject sin, among other things! We couldn't do that before! Amen!"

Since sharing that with her, I've been striving to apply the truth that I am free to reject sin to specific areas of my life. Well, mostly one specific area - food! I generally try to eat healthy things like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The problem is that in doing this I don't cut out the unhealthy things. Not only that, but the purpose of food is to nourish our bodies, not satisfy a craving. So, instead of trying to convince myself that I don't really need whatever it is I'm feeling like eating or trying to convince myself that "I really shouldn't" I've started reminding myself that I'm free NOT to do it. It's a good perspective shifter and redirects my thoughts to "things above, not earthly things."

In what area of your life has Satan been able to convince you that you can't help the way you feel or you are powerless to change the way you have been? Remember that Satan is the Father of Lies and that YOU ARE FREE! As some of us enjoy the freedom of a day off work, as we remember the national freedoms we have because of the sacrifices others were willing to make, I pray we will remember the sacrifice that Jesus made and the spiritual freedom that we now possess to reject sin. Today I pray that you will experience the blessedness of living in the freedom of grace.

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