Sunday, July 22, 2007

Montana is on Fire

It is an eerie feeling to live in a fairly narrow valley, to be surrounded by mountains, and yet not be able to see them. They are becoming harder and harder to see as smoke from the many fires around our state gathers in the valley. There is an enormous one west of us in the Bob Marshall Wilderness that is too big and too hot for firefighters to even approach yet. There are a couple of them north of us in Wolf Creek, I think. And there are some to the south, as well. I believe most of these were started by lightning. There are many thunderstorms in Montana during the summer but a lot of the time the humidity is so low that the rain is evaporated before it gets to the ground. The lightning, however, does make it to the ground where everything is as dry as tinder and the wind is usually whipping down a mountain range and across a valley. These are dangerous conditions indeed and there are many fires in other parts of our state, as well. Please pray for the safety and wisdom of our firefighters, for rain, and for the safety of people and property.

1 comment:

charlestonyaya said...

Are you two safe and OK? I read about the fires again this morning on the news. Let us know something. We love you both, Kathy